We find in ancient traditions that a unique kind of consciousness enables us a different way of
being. This consciousness implies awakening to the wonder. This consciousness implies
awakening to the living pulsating stream of life, where nothing is static, nothing is separate, a
world of infinite wisdom that invites humans to be co-creators.
Being in the world in that way is built on minimalistic movements. Those movements can switch us from old patterns that narrow the ever-existing potentiality to a movement of becoming that opens a new process of wonder and revelation.
The wisdom of the ‘Sages of the heart’ on the one hand and Gendlin on the other endowed us
with language, tools, and guidance for this kind of process.
We will explore how we can move from ‘wonder as a reaction’ to ‘wonder as wisdom’ and how Gendlin’s “order of steps” helps us live from the “never-ending” unfoldment of wonder. We will emphasize its crucial importance in healing life from splits and dichotomy.