A radical approach to life

Inner meanings and practices of the High Holidays

Dana ganihar | baruch brenner

“The High holidays allow us to encounter the great mysteries of our lives: Humanity, Creation and God. This encounter enables the unfolding of various dimensions, starting from the broad conscious dimension, through the spiritual dimension, all the way to deep life processes and our way of becoming in the world. This unfolding has the potential to generate a transformation in our perception, both of our hidden essence and of the world and the ways in which we exist within it.”

(From: A man on a chair by Baruch Brenner)

Shakio Institute is introducing a fresh experiential perspective about the High Holidays and its rituals. 

The purpose of this workshop series is to provide us with language, precise instructions, and inner practices. These will enable us to transform the holiday from being only meaningful ideas or deep perspectives, to actually experiencing the processes that these ideas are inviting us to undergo.

We will focus on patterns and tools that all individuals can use, irrespective of cultural or religious origin.

  • What is the meaning of “Holiday”? What is the meaning of the “Holidays of the Beginning”?
  • What are the meaningful processes of ‘’the Days of Awe” that can support our wondrous journey in life?
  • How does a transformative ritual work?
  • A ritual is based on action, language, heart intention, and states of consciousness. What do these mean and how can we practice them? We’ll work with the deep Kabalistic traditions. 
  • What lies deep within the themes of the holidays: Creation, Tshuva, Forgiveness, Tikun, and Holy of Holies?
  • Why do most transformations occur in the field of prayer?
  • Can the ‘Art of Prayer’ offer inner subtle movements that occur beyond the edge of meditation?
  • What is the ‘Art of Prayer’? How is prayer in itself an act of transformation in front of the Infinite?

Through our 4-part workshop, we will explore central rituals & texts, and discover their potential for subtle yet deeply impactful influences in our lives. We will experience how rituals of the high holidays can be much more than conceptual ideals, or a ‘pouring forth’ of the heart; but rather invitations for life-transforming practices.

The goal of this series is to provide a radical new understanding of the holidays. In the model we are suggesting, the holidays are a time to renew our approach to creation; our approach to what it means being human; and to renew the understanding of the specific unfolding of our lives. 

Additional information about each session:

Sessions 1 – Introduction to the High Holidays – Tuesday, August 29th, 19:30-21:15 ISR 

Session topics:

  • The high holidays as a period of unveiling fresh depths within the self.
  • How does a ritual form? What is the relationship between the action, the text, and the intention?
  • A deep exploration of the ‘human image’ (the internal perception through which we perceive ourselves rather than simply thinking “about” ourselves) that enables continued creation.


Session 2 – Wisdom of the heart practices – Tuesday, September 5th , 19:30-21:15 ISR 

Session topics:

  • Ritual as a multilayered container for life transformation. 
  • The wisdom of prayer.
  • What is the meaning of devotion, of immersing in the unknown, of seeing your life from the perspective of the Divine?


Session 3 – Rosh Hashana – Processes of creation and t’shuvah – Tuesday, September 12th, 19:30-21:15 ISR 

Session topics:

  • How to include the whole of my life – negative and positive – in the process of t’shuvah (answer) 
  • T’shuvah as a rebirth. Returning all manifestations of my life to their origin.
  • ‘Renewal’ not in the form of new resolutions but rather as an opening to the ‘more’ that already exists in our lives. 
  • Opening our lives with all their complexity to shefa (abundance) and bracha (blessing). 


Session 4 – Yom Kippur – Holy of Holies – Tuesday September 19th, 19:30-21:15 ISR 

Session topics:

  • From the ‘Tree of knowledge’ to the ‘Tree of life’. 
  • Re-discovering our life from the perspective of the infinite. 
  • Entering the holy of holies – from ‘I’-ness to Oneness. 
  • How to embrace God’s compassion. 

course details:

3 consecutive sessions on Mondays

6 academic hours

course starts on September 17th

time: 19:30-21:15 (Israel), 17:30-19:15 (London), 9:30-11:15 (LA, California), 12:30-14:15 (New york) 

Dates: 16.9, 23.9, 30.9

Join the course

Price: 110$ (400 NIS)

Please write to us if in need of financial assistance to info@shakio.org.

For more information:


Shakio is a space for collaborative exploration founded by Dana Ganihar, an experienced Focusing instructor and a teacher of the philosophy of Eugene Gendlin, and Baruch Brenner a multidisciplinary artist, rabbi and certified Focusing instructor who investigates and teaches performance art and Jewish mysticism.

 Baruch Brenner is an Israeli Focusing facilitator, theater director, actor, singer, teacher and an ordained Orthodox Rabbi. Over the last 25 years, he has been a leading innovator in integrating Jewish and spiritual practices with experiential work in theatre, movement and vocal arts. He was the artistic director of the Vertigo lab in the eco-art village, and a research fellow and member of Jerzy Grotowski theater ensemble.

Dana Ganihar, M.Sc., has been a Focusing Coordinator since 2007. Over the last couple of decades, she has led numerous workshops and seminars exploring the work of psychologist and philosopher Eugene Gendlin. Dana has initiated cooperative research exploring the potential impact of Focusing and TAE on diverse fields, such as biology, architecture, creative writing, and religion, in institutions including the Technion, Bar Ilan University, and Tel Hai College.
Dana has served as a board member of the International Focusing Institute for three years.


“I find that the practices we explore in the Art of Prayer support the deepest yearnings of my soul. These practices have begun to open to my awareness a sense of life force – Living Presence – bubbling up in me and calling me forward to participate in the unfolding of Creation.” Rabbi Nahum Ward-Lev

“Since learning with Dana and Baruch, I can mark the time when my heart began opening itself, and pointing the way towards the depths of my soul. As I find more of myself through the Art of Prayer, my relationships are softening and growing. And those closest to me are beginning to find their own softening, growing and soul-deepening.” Lynn Rosen

“Standing in front of the gateways of prayer, taking time to breath, observe, listen. Doing this together, even if within zoom-frames, in conversation and silence, with the lucid guidance of Dana and Baruch..this is a gathering with new and known depths, personal and universal, temporal and infinite – we’ve been blessed to have this opportunity” Prof. Sara Sviri, Writer – The Sufi Anthology

“Working with Baruch and Dana has been a very important and deeply stabilizing experience. Especially when the Corona measurements hit us and fear and insecurity spread I felt I was coming home when entering our shared space. I am so unspeakably grateful for being part of this group where failure does not exist and trials are welcome. Where being human gains a whole new depth.” Judith Weisz

“The Art of Prayer opened for me gateways of love towards fellow humans, the world, the future..to the understanding of our communal becoming, and a participation in the processes of creation. Many thanks.” Sigal Golan, Psychotherapist

“Touching upon the inner language of authentic prayer, the mystery of communication between human beings and the infinite and connecting with the depth of human experience – this course has provided me with great inspiration. The experience, knowledge and originality of Baruch and Dana transported me from the conceptual to the actual tools of spiritual work”. Yair Harel, Founder – the Piyut Website

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